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This true book will help you learn about the life of an amusing collie who has a fear of other dogs, yet who makes the most of every day. It will make you laugh and teach you facts you never knew.....even making Geography fun! ......................................................Sharing some parts from our chapters................


".......As I turned my furry head my heart leapt with delight for there, there right in front of me was a yellow ball, a real yellow ball. I leapt excitedly towards my ball, standing tall on my long Dave D legs; I proudly reached up.....................then kissed it................... but I soon realised that it wasn't my yellow ball at all, because it was all salty and felt very rough on my cold nose.

"Oh Dave D, that's not your soft ball, it is a buoy!! A buoy is a plastic ball that floats on the water to mark areas" my Sue explained.
"Come on we will go and find your real yellow ball to play with". ( Chapter four)






                                                          From the Hotel Drama chapter...........................


                                                         Just after midnight, with Sue still tapping away at the  reception keyboard, I  was                                                was brought  back to reality, as I heard the distinctive sound of footsteps

                                                        ................................approaching from outside. As quick as a flash, my ears went                                                               up when I suddenly heard the jangle of metal on metal. I feared that it may be                                                                 a lead with another dog on the end arriving. Heart pounding as  the sound                                                                      echoed across that hotel’s courtyard, I strained at my lead, which Sue had                                                                     looped round her ankle! My body tensed and I prepared to investigate. The                                                                   heavy front door creaked open, with  which I felt a sharp tug on my lead, as                                                                   Sue pulled me fully behind the reception desk - nearly falling off her four-                                                                     wheeled chair in the process - and ducked down! She did look funny! ..We hid                                                                  and waited silently, her finger gently resting on my wet nose to stop me                                                                       barking,  until the footsteps sounded lighter on the thick carpet and were                                                                     soon distant. My Sue then logged out of the hotel computer before we both                                                                    raced along the corridor and up the many stairs to our triple-bed hotel room,                                                                    Sue giggling and me doing my Dave D grin, to tell her mum all about the                                                                        drama! What is she like? Never a dull moment on our adventures!




From the Carry on Camping chapter...............


Later, I caused some kind of chaos when I joined Sue at the sink, to wash up in the communal kitchen, because, being the oh so inquisitive collie boy that I am, I poked my long nose under the  cubicle next to where I was waiting on the end of my lengthy lead. A voice suddenly shrieked, “A doggggggggg!” from behind the thin wall  where a lady was taking a shower. Blushing herself, because of my antics, Sue shortened my lead quickly, but not before I decided to shake off the dirty, soapy water that Sue had clumsily spilt on my fur  and nose as she washed up. Understandably, preferring to dry my fur before going into the cold outside, I gave an almighty body shake. Unfortunately, my shaking collie body caused the whole cubicle wall to vibrate with an extremely loud noise, to which the showering lady behind it let out another piercing scream which hurt my delicate ears.



From Chapter nineteen At one with Nature and Myself...Learning about the Time and Tide Bell


However, I was far from happy when my Sue fully expected me to  return to that same beach and venture near to this huge structure twelve hours later when part of it was under water! To explain, even though the scenic beach area was nearly covered as the small waves had been rolling in gently, that large metal bell was now tolling and extremely loud to my sensitive collie ears! Ding, ding, ding,  dingggggggggggggggg! I was not happy! I certainly did not intend to paddle nearer to the bell for a photograph either! The dark green bell was playing, its pitch seeming to create a varying musical pattern, as  the bell became more submerge! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


As you will realise, I did not stay near to this bell at that twelfth hour for very long, as the sea continued to ring it, indicating high tide.  Legs and paws moving, determinely, on the wet sand, I had decided to rebel and run pell mell past Sue with her much too familiar camera, up the steps - continuing along the promenade to my Sue’s mum, who  was sensibly sitting on a bench, quietly enjoying the pretty harbour  view! I became but a furry blur as I escaped from the noisy bell’s sound, causing Sue to be far from impressed!



Chapter one -    From Homeless to True Love

 Chapter two -    Then and Now

 Chapter three - Toys Galore

 Chapter four -    Golden Treasure and the Giant Tuggy

 Chapter five -     Lifeboats, telescopes and tractors

Chapter six -        Postal dramas

Chapter seven -   Collie therapy

 Chapter  eight  -    Hiding, hotel fun, blankets and dreams.

 Chapter nine -     A tale of tails

 Chapter ten -       Signposts and animal experiences

  Chapter eleven - Carry on camping and seaweed sticks

 Chapter twelve  -  Sheep!

 Chapter thirteen  -  Hole explorations and revelations

Chapter fourteen  -  Collie on the buses and at sea

Chapter fifteen  -     Train and mountain adventures

Chapter sixteen -    Car Journeys with drama

Chapter seventeen -  Insect experiences and protectors

Chapter eighteen – Plane spotters, cockles and socks!

Chapter nineteen -   At one with nature and myself





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